ANTIDEPRESSANT = which has an antidepressant effect.

“The most commonly used drugs are antidepressants , mood stabilizers and antipsychotics.”

ANXIETY = a feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease, typically about an imminent event or something with an uncertain outcome.

“he felt a surge of anxiety”

synonyms: worry, concern, apprehension, apprehensiveness, uneasiness, unease, fearfulness, fear

ANXIOUS = experiencing worry, unease, or nervousness, typically about an imminent event or something with an uncertain outcome.

“she was extremely anxious about her exams”

synonyms: worried, concerned, uneasy, apprehensive, fearful, perturbed, troubled, bothered, disturbed

APPREHENSION = anxiety or fear that something bad or unpleasant will happen.

“he felt sick with apprehension”

synonyms: anxiety, worry, unease, nervousness, nerves, misgivings, disquiet, concern, tension, trepidation, perturbation, consternation, angst, dread, alarm, fear, foreboding, butterflies, jitters, the willies, the creeps, the shivers, the heebie-jeebies

DEPRESSION = severe despondency and dejection, typically felt over a period of time and accompanied by feelings of hopelessness and inadequacy.

“Antipyschotics may also be used to treat severe cases of depression accompanied by psychosis.”

FEAR = an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain, or a threat.

“drivers are threatening to quit their jobs in fear after a cabby’s murder”

synonyms: terror, fright, fearfulness, horror, alarm, panic, agitation, trepidation, dread, consternation

FRIGHT = a sudden intense feeling of fear.

“I jumped up in fright”

synonyms: fear, fearfulness, terror, horror, alarm, panic, dread, trepidation, dismay, nervousness, apprehension, apprehensiveness, perturbation, disquiet, jitteriness, twitchiness; a scare, a shock, a surprise, a turn, a jolt, a start, the shivers, the shakes, the jitters, the heebie-jeebies, the willies, the creeps, a cold sweat, butterflies (in one’s stomach)

GRIEF = deep sorrow, especially that caused by someone’s death.

she was overcome with grief

synonyms: sorrow, misery, sadness, anguish, pain, distress, heartache, heartbreak, agony, torment, affliction, suffering, woe, desolation, dejection, despair, mourning, mournfulness, bereavement, lamentation, dolor, dole

HORROR = an intense feeling of fear, shock, or disgust.

“children screamed in horror”

synonyms: terror, fear, fright, alarm, panic, dread, trepidation

NERVOUS = easily agitated or alarmed; tending to be anxious; highly strung.

“a sensitive, nervous person”

synonyms: high-strung, anxious, edgy, tense, excitable, jumpy, skittish, brittle, neurotic, timid, mousy

NERVOUSNESS = the quality or state of being nervous.

“there was a trace of nervousness in his voice”

synonyms: anxiety, edginess, tension, agitation, stress, worry, apprehension, uneasiness, disquiet, fear, trepidation, perturbation, alarm, butterflies (in one’s stomach), the jitters, the willies, the heebie-jeebies, the shakes

PANIC = sudden uncontrollable fear or anxiety, often causing wildly unthinking behavior.

“she hit him in panic”

synonyms: alarm, anxiety, nervousness, fear, fright, trepidation, dread, terror, agitation, hysteria, consternation

SUICIDE = the action of killing oneself intentionally.

“he committed suicide at the age of forty”

synonyms: self-destruction, taking one’s own life, killing oneself, self-murder

TERROR = extreme fear.

“people fled in terror”

synonyms: extreme fear, dread, horror, fear and trembling, fright, alarm, panic

WORRY = a state of anxiety and uncertainty over actual or potential problems.

her son had been a constant source of worry to her

synonyms: anxiety, perturbation, distress, concern, uneasiness, unease, disquiet, fretfulness, restles