In addition to conventional antidepressant treatments, there are also various natural solutions that you can apply to get rid of winter depression.

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Therapies for Seasonal Affective Disorder


  • report to your doctor to determine the diagnosis and identify the best treatment

Before going to your phisician, it is advisable to write down the following information to tell your doctor:

  • symptoms such as lack of energy or depression
  • when depression started and what factors seem to aggravate or improve it
  • other mental or physical disorders
  • stress factors or recent changes in lifestyle
  • administered medicines, including vitamins and dietary supplements
  • a list of questions to ask your doctor

Here are some questions you might want to ask your doctor about seasonal affective disorder:

  • Symptoms are caused by this condition or something else?
  • What can cause depressive symptoms?
  • What can worsen depressive symptoms?
  • What are the most common treatment options?
  • Should I consult a psychiatrist or a psychologist?
  • What medications should I take?
  • Is there a complementary natural treatment that I could follow?
  • Symptoms will be reduced as a result of treatment?

What to expect from your doctor? The doctor will ask you more questions and you should be prepared to respond as soon as possible. Here’s what s/he might ask:

  • What symptoms do you have?
  • When did the symptoms begin to appear?
  • Ce medicamente ați luat?
  • What appears to aggravate symptoms?
  • What seems to ease the symptoms?

How is the diagnosis made?

  • physical examination
  • blood tests, thyroid tests, etc.
  • psycological evaluation

Criteria to determine this type of depression are:

  • depression that occurs in a particular season
  • depression that ends in a particular season
  • lack of depressive episodes during the season when the mental state is normal
  • symptoms that persist for at least two years
  • a greater number of seasons in which depression is present than where it is absent

Natural Therapies for Seasonal Affective Disorder

  • St. John’s Wort tea
  • Melatonin
  • Omega 3
  • Exercise and Sport
  • Outside Walk
  • As much of natural light inside house

Do Exercises

When you practice regular exercise, your body is in good physical shape, making it easier to cope with the cold season. In addition, the level of endorphins in the body increases. Endorphins are chemicals in the brain called the “molecules of happiness”. They help you feel good and increase your energy level. You can choose any type of sport you prefer, from aerobics, lifting weights to Pilates. It is important to get out of the house and move. In this way, you will see less bleak life even when there is no sun outside. Thus, you will win over winter depression.

Do Aromatherapy

The role of smell in creating a positive mental state and in maintaining a health is already recognized for a long time. There are various types of essential oils such as lavender, basil, chamomile, jasmine that can help you fight off winter depression. Aromatherapy can help you combat the body’s natural tendency in this season to require more sleep and more food. Bergamot or juniper oil keeps you under the control of eating too much. The essential oil of mint, lemon or cypress gives you lost energy.

Change your Diet

Lack of sunlight leads to a deficiency of vitamin D in the body, which the body needs. There are a few foods that naturally contain vitamin D. These include mushrooms, fatty fish, egg yolk, cod liver oil, or orange juice. In pharmacies, you can find vitamin D in the form of tablets or oral drops. In any way you choose to consume it, it is important to make sure you provide your body with the optimal dose of vitamin D. This way, you can overcome winter depression.

Do Phototherapy

Phototherapy or light therapy is another way you can provide your body with vitamin D, even when the days are cloudy and gloomy. In addition, in winter we spend over 90% of time indoors, another reason why we do not have sunlight. There are trade fluorescent lamps that compensate for the lack of natural light. There are two types of fluorescent lamps for light therapy. Some simulate sunlight and some sunrise. You can place such a lamp on a table or even in the office. This light will also help the body maintain its regular circadian rhythm. This is an important aspect for people affected by winter depression.

Take a Break

Of course not everyone can go on holiday, but even a short escape during a weekend can do wonders for the mental state. A change of decoration will also help you change your mood. You’ll be out of routine and interact with others, which will help you recharge your batteries. Instead of laying in bed, make an effort and gather your energy for a small trip to a pleasant place. You might forget that winter depression has ever existed.