Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is a type of depression associated with changing seasons. Symptoms occur in autumn and last throughout the winter. More rarely, this condition may cause depression during spring or early summer.

SAD, seasonal affective disorder

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The treatment may consist of phototherapy, psychotherapy or medication. It is important that this disease is not left untreated, as it can significantly alter the quality of life of the affected person.

Winter depression is a common seasonal affective disorder that manifests itself in prolonged periods of dark, dark, sunless weather. You go home in the dark and you go back in the dark. Bleak and cold days bring you a melancholy wave from which you can no longer get out. You have lost all your energy and motivation to do anything, even a pleasant activity. It seems to you that all your ships have drowned. It is possible in this case to suffer from SAD or seasonal affective disorder.

Winter depression is a disorder of the affective state in which people with normal mental health for the rest of the year suffer depressive symptoms in the winter. Symptoms characteristic of winter depression usually include high anxiety, but also lethargy. It’s hard for you even to get out of bed, you feel bad in the morning, you tend to sleep more than normal. The food pattern may also change. You may feel the need to eat more than normal, especially carbohydrates. You do not have the pleasure of seeing your friends, enjoying your free time. Libido has dropped to worrying levels.

Winter depression has been associated with a chemical imbalance in the brain caused by shorter days during the winter and the absence of sunlight. Lack of sunlight leads to a deficiency of vitamin D in the body. This increases the anxiety, depression and melancholy states.


Symptoms of major depression among which is seasonal affective disorder:

  • depressive states for most of the day and almost daily
  • low energy
  • loss of interest in your favorite activities
  • sleep difficulties
  • changes in appetite
  • changes in body weight
  • a state of lassitude or, on the contrary, a state of agitation
  • difficulty in concentrating
  • frequent thoughts about death or suicide
  • feeling despair
  • self-devaluation

Symptoms specific to winter depression or Winter SAD (seasonal affective disorder):

  • irritability
  • fatigue
  • low energy
  • lethargy
  • changes in appetite
  • weight gain

Symptoms specific to summer depression or Summer SAD (seasonal affective disorder):

  • depression
  • insomnia
  • weight loss
  • low appetite
  • agitation
  • anxiety


The cause is unknown. Factors that can help trigger this condition are:

  • circadian rhythm (biological clock)
  • the level of serotonin in the body
  • the level of melatonin in the body

Risk Factors

  • gender: the risk of this disease is higher in women than in men
  • age: the risk is higher for young people
  • family history
  • clinical depression
  • bipolar disorder